What a weekend!

From: allisonp_at_world.std.com <(allisonp_at_world.std.com)>
Date: Thu May 4 07:31:08 2000

> > Parts of the flight computer would be a catch! Even those of the
> > Shuttle.
> Forgive my ignorance, I was just a kid at the time, but weren't the
> lunar landers abandoned to crash-land on the moon after the trip was
> over? So is this stuff from prototypes or am I missing something?

No John, your not missing anything. The LM was lost after use but there
were protos, simulators, I believe one that was built but never got to fly
and of course spares for the ones built. I used to live on LI not to far
from PLANT-33 (Grumman Corp) who built the LM and did go to the auctions
back in the 70s when the moon/aerospace shutdown occured. I still have a
few trinkets around somewhere from stuff I bought then.

Received on Thu May 04 2000 - 07:31:08 BST

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