Plextor CD writers

From: John Wilson <>
Date: Thu May 4 20:16:33 2000

On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 11:58:29PM -0000, Eric Smith wrote:
> The problem with direct CD to CD-R copy is that the OS, device driver,
> and even the CD-ROM drive do not have any reliable way to know how many
> sectors there are on the source disc, unless they can rely on file
> system data, i.e., the ISO 9660 header. If the disc isn't 9660, you'd
> need some other way to tell.

FWIW, my Panasonic CW-7502 CD-R drive gives a correct size in response to
a SCSI "READ CAPACITY" command. Are you saying that most drives don't
support this?

Anyway thanks for the tip about -isosize, that will definitely come in handy.
I've been trying to make more of a habit of copying CDs and working from the
copy, the same way anyone does with floppies, because for some strange reason
all my expensive commercial CDs always seem to wind up getting stepped on
eventually, and get scratched too badly to read. Especially the M$ ones...

John Wilson
D Bit
Received on Thu May 04 2000 - 20:16:33 BST

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