card punch available

From: S. Akmentins-Teilors <>
Date: Thu May 4 14:43:34 2000

> I just noticed that there is a card punch machine available here in
> Minneapolis if someone wants to come and get it. I didnt pay attention
> to the exact model, but its one of the 'old' ones, ie, its definitely
> not the one with the LED display in the keyboard.
> Anyways, if you want it you would probably have to pick it up next week before
> it goes to the recycling center. And you would have to let them know
> you want it, and arrange for a time to pick it up.
> -Lawrence LeMay

Hi, Lawrence,
I'm originally from L.A. and relocating back here to Minneapolis to my
birthplace. Your email prompted me to write and ask:

Where are the good places here to search out surplus/used equipment?
I'm generally in the market for DEC and HP old stuff. Any info would be
greatly appreciated.

Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor     InterNet:
MRY Systems	
    (Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
		----- Labak miris neka sarkans -----
Received on Thu May 04 2000 - 14:43:34 BST

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