Market value of minicomputers...

From: Will Jennings <>
Date: Sat May 6 12:56:22 2000

So if common stuff like 11/35's are worth in excess of $6,000... does this
mean I ought to start looking for a buyer for my extra Interdata 7/32C?
Circa 1973, world's first 32-bit minicomputer, 750ns cycle, up to one meg of
core, currently has 256k and 80MB of 14" winchester.. Far less common than
an 11/35.. and more powerful too. And no, I'm not serious about selling
it... since I didn't pay anything for it, I don't see how I could justify
expecting to get money for it.. But that's my extra-weird opinion, one of
those things that really isn't explainable or anything like that. Though I
personally dislike the idea of them actually being *worth* something, the
very fact that mini's have accquired value is a great help toward keeping
them from being scrapped and vanishing from the earth... As for RK05's, I
know a guy who can sell them for $5K each, but that doesn't mean I want to
sell mine. I don't believe that all 11/34's were shipped with RL01/02's
either, since mine is equipped with dual RK05's, which are both the same
vintage as the machine. Also, if anyone wants an 8/A, complete and probably
working, I saw a company who has one in inventory for like $500, far more
than I'd pay, but if anyone's interested, e-mail me and I'd be happy to give
you the info, and no, I have no relation to the company thats selling it nor
do I stand to profit.

Will J
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Received on Sat May 06 2000 - 12:56:22 BST

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