Just to make this clear... I was not even trying to say in any way, shape,
or form that microsoft products are "perfect" or the best or anything like
that. I would find it hard to believe any app with more than oh 20 or so
(arbitrary figure) lines of code can possibly be perfect... that's why stuff
like Sun saying "oh there's x thousand bugs in Win 2K" kinda irritates me,
because there are probably about that many in Solaris also. Or in any
complex O/S for that matter. Heck, even IBM admitted that there were bugs in
OS/390 recently, and that's a pretty staggering thing for IBM to admit that
one of their mainframe operating systems has bugs... While I agree with
people who say we deserve bug-free software, I am realistic enough to
understand that bug-free software is a pretty impossible goal.. I'm happy if
the vendor has the guts to admit when there are problems and then go and fix
them... That's one of the things that DEC always had going for them, was
that they were good at admitting problems and then fixing them. And there
aren't any operating systems around without bugs.. Finally, the main reason
I use microsoft products on my PC is that they support about every strange,
random peripheral that I can pull out of some dusty cranny in the warehouse
and the damn thing will actually WORK! This of course is also one of the
reasons for a lot of the various problems that can occur, but I think if
you're expecting total perfection on a PC, you're not being realistic. The
very nature of windows, linux, and any other PC operating system works
against reliability. What I mean is that the hardware and software are not
from the same vendor, so they aren't nearly as tightly integrated as they
could be. That's why VMS for example is much more robust than windows... DEC
designed the hardware, built the hardware, then wrote the operating system
to work as closely as possible with the hardware. And because they built +
designed the hardware in-house, they naturally had a far better idea of how
it all worked and how to make the operating system fully utilize the
hardware. And finally, for the record, the reason I dislike MacOS is not
because its unreliable, its just because I hate how difficult it makes it to
unistall programs and to add drives for new hardware. And I know that I
might just not know something important, but I did RTFM and read about
everything on Apple's website, so please don't think I'm just Apple-bashing.
Will J
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