"Investment Grade" Classic Computers - why are we still complaining?
So OK, I started writing A Guide to Collecting Computers and Computer
Collectibles: History, Practice, and Technique in 1996, published it in 1998
and am now working on 2nd edition.
In 1996 it was apparent to me, and lots of other people, that what is
currently taking place would take place and probably as fast as it did (and
we didn't know about ebay then).
In the book I use the evolution of car collecting as the model that our
hobby would naturally follow, and it appears that it has.
I'm no genius and fellow collectors, you are not fools, this just happened.
The investment value (yes collectible computers will increase in value)
happened faster with computers than cars because we live in a networked
society, but it was inevitable.
Please everyone stop talking and complaining about the fact old computers
are being purchased and sold. There are still many incredible finds out
there, go and get them. Most are still free for the taking. Seek and ye
shall find and stop wasting bandwidth with complaints. You can't change it.
Please post the description of your buddy's system.
Yours in good faith.
Kevin Stumpf - The Nostalgic Technophile
www.unusual.on.ca - 519.744.2900 EST/EDT (GMT - 5)
Author & Publisher of The Guide to Collecting Computers and Computer
Collectibles: History, Practice, and Technique
Received on Sat May 06 2000 - 15:28:16 BST
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