Couple of cool HP 110/150 finds

From: Frank McConnell <>
Date: Sat May 6 17:00:28 2000

Joe <> wrote:
> >HP Series 100 Communicator Volumes 7-12 (very cool)
> Now those are unusual. I have two volumes but I've never been able to
> find any more of them. Where did you find them?

HP used to ship the current "Series 100 Communicator" in the box with
your new Series 100 (i.e. 120, presumably 125, and 150) computer, or
more likely in the box with its keyboard. I don't remember seeing
them with 110s or Portable Pluses, but that could just be my defective

If you liked it and wanted more you had to buy a subscription. Given
that it was mostly filled with new-product announcements for stuff
that we either wouldn't use or could ask our sales rep about, and
usage tips that weren't especially non-obvious, we didn't bother.

-Frank McConnell
Received on Sat May 06 2000 - 17:00:28 BST

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