"Investment Grade" Classic Computers

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Sat May 6 22:01:39 2000

>I'm faced with a dilemma, and I'm polling for opinions.
>The dilemma is this: A friend of mine has such an
>"Investment Grade" machine; and he wants to sell it to
>the highest bidder <cringe>. Now I'm faced with two

As much as I like everybody on this list, and would be willing to do many
things for them both individually and collectively, you have an obligation
to your friend that is stronger, and I think requires you to both observe
his wishes and attempt to guide him in the direction of his own enlightened
self interest.

If you think selling an item at a moderate price to a list member is
somehow more satisfying than selling it on the open market at the full fair
price, I respectively disagree. When I sell on the open market, for the
most part I enable someones dream at a price they never dreamed of being so
low. When I sell at a reduced price to a list member, they are handed a
part they dreamed of hunting and finding much cheaper.

There are a number of things I would really like to find, paying perhaps as
much as $50 for a single Mac card (yeah I know, just peanuts to you high
rollers), but the ONLY satisfying way I will ever get one is to dig it out
of some box and haggle my way from $5 down to $3. Who wants to go hunting
cows at a dairy?

Go sell that cow at the auction.
Received on Sat May 06 2000 - 22:01:39 BST

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