I wrote 'Nuke Redmond'

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Mon May 8 14:36:28 2000

From: "emanuel stiebler" <emu_at_ecubics.com>
> From: John Wilson <wilson_at_dbit.dbit.com>
> > ... but for many of the rest of us, M$
> > products are designed to solve problems we don't have, and totally fail
> > to address the problems we *do* have. It's designed for the drooling
> > masses *only*, it's absolutely not good for normal utility use by nerds.
> > And even where there's overlap, the design decisions tend to be poor and
> > the implementation even worse.


Just one thing to add:

I run 98 on my latest machine (K7 500), and it's only purpose
is to offer a gameing platform - and that's exactly what I get.
A Computer to run 99% of all game stuff available. Of course I
apreciate all efforts to run or convert some stuff to other OSes
(Linux, etc. pp.), just for me as a user of this particular
machine Win98 is the only solution woth to be considered.

Ther's a whole lot of shit in there, but as long as it
does what I want it's acceptable.


VCF Europa am 29./30. April 2000 in Muenchen
Received on Mon May 08 2000 - 14:36:28 BST

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