Ford's '60s computer?

From: John Wilson <>
Date: Mon May 8 13:05:21 2000

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:14:35AM -0700, Doug Coward wrote:
> It sounds like you're asking what computer Caroll Shelby used?
> As I understand it Ford built the cars then they were modified
> at Shelby's company, Shelby American, in L.A. You might try asking
> the Los Angeles Shelby American Automobile Club,
> or ask at Carroll Shelby official web page,

Does Shelby still have a company (for cars that is, not chili mix)?
I cold-called the company about 10 years ago (when we were both building turbo
Chrysler L-cars) with some questions about intercoolers and was immediately
connected to a friendly engineer who was happy to shoot the breeze. Very nice
folks, I'm sure they'd be just as happy to talk about their old CAD systems,
assuming they haven't all been laid off by now...

John Wilson
D Bit
Received on Mon May 08 2000 - 13:05:21 BST

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