His web address is www.shelbyamerican.com. Last I read he was building a
beefed-up aluminum 427 from scratch, mainly reworking the oiling system. Then he
went to Chrysler to do the Series 1. Haven't heard much since then.
John Wilson wrote:
> On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:14:35AM -0700, Doug Coward wrote:
> > It sounds like you're asking what computer Caroll Shelby used?
> > As I understand it Ford built the cars then they were modified
> > at Shelby's company, Shelby American, in L.A. You might try asking
> > the Los Angeles Shelby American Automobile Club,http://www.lasaac.org/
> > or ask at Carroll Shelby official web page,http://www.carrollshelby.com/
> Does Shelby still have a company (for cars that is, not chili mix)?
> I cold-called the company about 10 years ago (when we were both building turbo
> Chrysler L-cars) with some questions about intercoolers and was immediately
> connected to a friendly engineer who was happy to shoot the breeze. Very nice
> folks, I'm sure they'd be just as happy to talk about their old CAD systems,
> assuming they haven't all been laid off by now...
> John Wilson
> D Bit
Received on Mon May 08 2000 - 15:28:00 BST