Ebay Altair

From: foo <foo_at_siconic.com>
Date: Tue May 9 20:04:50 2000

> I generally find eBay sells items for *less* money than the real world when
> it comes to classic computers. A *lot* of deep pocket collectors won't use


> the service to purchase old computers from. I have been told by many that
> they would rather do private offers or sales as eBay would *really* blow the
> prices out of perspective [take Nathan Myhrvold bids for example] . I

This makes no sense. eBay prices as a rule are always much more than once
can expect to find in the "real world". In fact, "real world" prices have
gotten inflated from people selling their old computers for eBay prices
(I'm sure many here have come across people selling old computers, or
really just about anything these days, and saying something to the effect
of "I can get $X for this on eBay!!")

> personally will have a running KL10 available for offers but would not want
> to sell such a mini as a "featured catagory item" on eBay - some items just
> don't sit well on eBay.

If it's too big to ship via UPS then it generally won't do well.

As I have always maintained in the past, eBay has done nothing but
artifically inflate the prices for old computers to the detriment of this
hobby (and others as well).

Received on Tue May 09 2000 - 20:04:50 BST

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