Ebay Altair

From: foo <foo_at_siconic.com>
Date: Wed May 10 09:48:07 2000

On Wed, 10 May 2000, John Wilson wrote:

> I seriously think eBay is likely to trigger some kind of 12-step program
> for auction junkies. Really, it's a bit like gambling, people get really
> competitive sometimes and end up paying prices that have nothing to do with
> anyone's concept of what the item is worth, just because they feel that they
> need to win at any cost. So I think these ridiculous prices for old computer
> junk are more of an indicator of the buyers' compulsions, than anything to
> do with the real value of the merchandise.

A point well worth quoting. This is exactly what I have said in the past
and it is correct.

eBay is a sickness. Those who continue to defend the prices paid for
items bought from eBay are only trying to justify in their own minds the
fact that they are spending way too much money on things they really
should not be.

Of course I will be attacked for saying all this, but then addicts do get
bolshie when confronted with the reality of the situation.


Received on Wed May 10 2000 - 09:48:07 BST

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