OT: Re: Keyboard actuator

From: Shawn T. Rutledge <rutledge_at_cx47646-a.phnx1.az.home.com>
Date: Wed May 10 18:19:34 2000

On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 02:54:48PM -0700, Chris Kennedy wrote:
> - A system which required writing 5'4" 360K floppies using a

5 foot 4 inch floppies? :-) You'd think they'd hold a lot more than
360K. LOL

> As a consequence of this, most trading floors included a bizarre
> piece of hardware which -- you guessed it -- hammered the
> keyboard with solenoid actuated fingers along with (then
> quite pricy) OCR hardware to make sense of the stuff being puked
> back by the exchange.

Gawd. Sounds like something out of _Brazil_.

I used to wonder when I was a kid if I could turn my Selectric into
a printer... would there be any shortcuts to controlling that ball, or
would it be necessary to use solenoids for every key. This was before
I knew that Selectrics had in fact been used as tty's back before my

  _______                   Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD  ecloud_at_bigfoot.com
 (_  | |_)          http://www.bigfoot.com/~ecloud  kb7pwd_at_kb7pwd.ampr.org
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Received on Wed May 10 2000 - 18:19:34 BST

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