DEC stuff

From: <(>
Date: Thu May 11 08:40:29 2000

> worth rescueing. The first is a DEC Por 350, there are two of them. The

Pro350, small system uses a tube and keyboard has internal PDP-11 cpu of
the F11 flavor. Somewhat common around here rare in some areas. Nice

> other is is a Micro PDP 11/73. Both are roughly the size of a large tower

Qbus pdp-11 in BA23 pedestal box, J11 cpu fairly fast for it's kind.
Common enough. I'd be interested in the cpu as a spare. The boards have
some cash value. there are still plenty of PDP-11s in use.

> case for a PC. There's also a VAX 11/785 there but it's huge!

Scarce, not that many built and most were retired at lesat 10 yeas ago.
Last member of the 11/7xx series that started the vax line.

Received on Thu May 11 2000 - 08:40:29 BST

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