OT: Looking for old book

From: Cini, Richard <RCini_at_congressfinancial.com>
Date: Fri May 12 10:01:51 2000

Hello, all:

        Sorry for the intrusion, but I'm looking for either the following
book, accompanying diskette, or both: "The Art of C" by Herbert Schildt. If
anyone has a spare copy or wants to lighten their bookshelf a bit, please
let me know off-list. Thanks!


Richard A. Cini, Jr.
Congress Financial Corporation
1133 Avenue of the Americas
30th Floor
New York, NY 10036
(212) 545-4402
(212) 840-6259 (facsimile)
Received on Fri May 12 2000 - 10:01:51 BST

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