VAX 4000 panel bulkhead compatibility?

From: Chuck McManis <>
Date: Wed May 17 20:03:51 2000

As I mentioned earlier I've got a BA213 "MicroVAX 3400" that has had its
CPU upgraded to a KA660 (VAX 4000/200). I'm trying to get networking working.

I have available MULTINET and UCX as software, currently Multinet is
installed under a 30 day evaluation PAK. _at_MULTINET:START_MULTINET runs but
MULTINET CHECK claims that my default router is unreachable.

EZA0: is plugged through an ethernet tranciever into a hub. I've tried the
SQE switch on both positions (I can never remember if hubs _want_ heart
beats or not).

I have two other systems connected to that Hub, one a VAX 4000/300 with
VMS/Multinet and one a Vaxstation 3100/M76 with NetBSD. I can telnet to
either of them from the main network so I'm pretty sure the hub is working.

Q1: Is the CPU "bulkhead" for the 4000/200 compatible with the CPU bulkhead
    for the 3400? It is the "one ribbon cable" variety (rather than the
    two cables the the KA630,50,and 55 use)
Q2: Which way _should_ the SQE switch be set?
Q3: Does Multinet do Echoreply? Pings seem to fall into a black hole.

Received on Wed May 17 2000 - 20:03:51 BST

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