... it is that time of year yet again!
The n'th twice-annual (and first of the new millennium) CP/M Users Group
NorthWest Swap Meet is almost upon us!
Date: 10-June-2000 (Saturday)
Place: Tigard Senior Center - Tigard, Oregon
Time: 9am to 2pm (official) 7am to whenever (realistically)
Worth it? Well, yes there is a lot of 'PC' junk running around... but at
the last meet was seen a nearly pristine AIM-65 in ORIGINAL box with all
ORIGINAL docs! (even the original sales receipt) And other amazingly
classic items for nabbing! So... you decide! (I know who got it... and
I'm not telling!)
...and if you are worried about a possible lack of classic goodies...
Why the "n'th"? - Well... it's been so long since I (co-)founded the
group, we have all long ago lost count...
Better directions: Soon to come... Would GPS coordinates help for the
true tech-heads amoungst us?
Be there or be asymmetrically non-orthagonal!
jimw_at_computergarage.org || jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com
The Computer Garage - http://www.computergarage.org
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Thu May 18 2000 - 10:22:35 BST