WTD: HP9000/735 Ethernet Board

From: Dan Linder <dlinder_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Thu May 18 19:16:28 2000

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Bill Pechter wrote:

> The 735's I've seen seem to have the network adapter on the motherboard
> (I thought).

It's apparently a little module that fits onto the system board (not a
transceiver, at least not in the traditional sense). I'm not sure, as I
haven't seen this myself. I'm just poking around for a friend.

He's got one, but it seems to lose ridiculous numbers of packets. He
tried a second module (not his to keep) and it worked perfect. Thus, the
search for an ethernet module.

   - Dan Linder / dlinder_at_uiuc.edu / upside_at_mcs.net -
   - Riot sounds start riots. / keep talking... -
Received on Thu May 18 2000 - 19:16:28 BST

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