heads up MMJ crimper tool.

From: William Fulmor <wpfulmor_at_dimensional.com>
Date: Fri May 19 16:58:04 2000

Well, I know where there's at least one full box of MMJ's but no crimp
tool. Do you have an email contact or URL for us outlanders?


On Fri, 19 May 2000, Chuck McManis wrote:

> The Fry's in Sunnyvale CA has restocked its supply of "crimp" tools and has
> a bunch of the Ideal Industries #30-497 tools, this does RJ-45 *and* DEC
> MMJ connectors. They get $40 + tax for it which is a lot less than Black
> Box wants for theirs! They do not have crimp on MMJ connectors :-(
> --Chuck
Received on Fri May 19 2000 - 16:58:04 BST

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