rescued a beehive!

From: <(>
Date: Fri May 19 18:35:16 2000

On 19-May-2000 Vintage Computer GAWD! wrote:
> And if anyone would actually like to SEE one, I've got one in my
> collection.
> I'm one of the rare weirdo's whom actually LIKES to collect terminals.

Oh, so I'm not the only one! :) Actually, I only have a small collection
of terminals, manual typewriters and classic computers.

However, to one-up you, I use my WYSE-85 daily. I'm something of an IRC
junky, and rather then spend *all* my time in front of my main computer, I
use the WYSE while lounging on the couch. It's not 10 years old though,
so lets talk about VT-220s.

Fun things to do with old terminals :
- TTY DOOM! Doom with the frames rendered as ASCII art and piped out
  at 9600 baud. weeee!
- lynx! Surfing the web over a dumb terminal is one of those silly things
  that the web "designers" hate you for. No banner ads! I microscopic
  fonts! I do it as often as possible.

Received on Fri May 19 2000 - 18:35:16 BST

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