On Fri, 19 May 2000 Innfogra_at_aol.com wrote:
> It aired about 8:25 and ended at 8:35. A loose history about the LOOP Apple 1
> with interviews with Woz and the LOOP center. Woz donated an Apple 1 to the
> center. A mishmash of pictures with quite a few of mainframes.
To be more specific, the Apple 1 that the LO*OP Center has is THE first
Apple 1 built according to Woz. It was used for teaching kids computers
at the LO*OP Center (based in Palo Alto) until Woz pulled the first Apple
][ off the assembly line (not THE first Apple ][ but it was the first
given to someone outside of Apple; it was serial #10) and gave it to the
LO*OP Center as well.
BTW, I had the honor of holding Apple 1 #1 in my very own hands :)
Also, Apple 1 #1 was exhibited and it's story was told at VCF 3.0.
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
Coming soon: VCF 4.0!
VCF East: Planning in Progress
http://www.vintage.org for details!
Received on Fri May 19 2000 - 22:17:11 BST