Identification request - QuadexQ5000/SMS/Compugraphics/DEC ??? should I save it?

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Sun May 21 12:39:47 2000

>Quadex Q5000 labeled rack and cpu enclosure
>Various tags inside the cabinet mention Quadex or Scientific Micro Systems
>or CompuGraphics

About the only thing I can tell you on all of this is that SMS (though I
thought that was SanFrancisco Micro Systems) made PDP-11 clones. I've got
two SMS chassis' with DEC PDP-11/73 dual hieght CPU's and DEC 256KW RAM.
The Disk controller and Serial I/O is all off the Q-Bus on a SMS board.

>The backplane looks DECish to me - similar to what I've seen in a 11/44.

Is it Hex-Height? A Q-Bus Backplane would normally be Quad-Height, or
maybe dual, not Hex. Could be a rather interesting beast.

>Here's some of the cards that are in it.
>Three M8017 - I know what these are :)
>One M8043 - I know what this is too :)
>Four boards #20033 - each has a tiny 4 pin connector and a tiny coax type
>connector (much smaller than 10b2). Main chip is N8X305N
>one #70201 which obviously went to external devices - two 50 pin headers
>which end in same connector 11/23 uses to go to external RD52's
>Sheild/bus terminator board - #203763
>What appears to be a memory board and has a 40 pin connector on it - #75063
>One board has a ton of different size ribbon cables coming off it - label
>says "FWD0106"
>Plessey Peripheral Systems board with 50-pin berg connector #703755
>Small board #20041 with 14 pin berg coming off the side
>2 card cpu set - #20038 and #20039, about 5 AM2901CPO chips, and a lot of
>N82S191N chips that say things like "instruction decoder"

This sounds all very wierd, especially that 2 card CPU set. I'm wondering
what kind of CPU it even uses!

| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |
Received on Sun May 21 2000 - 12:39:47 BST

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