Available: a couple of bare TU58 drives

From: Pat Barron <pat_at_transarc.ibm.com>
Date: Sun May 21 18:24:56 2000

I have two TU58 bare drives, also picked up from eBay about a year or so
ago. I've decided that I'm unlikely to ever use them, and would like to
see them go to a good home. I've never tried them and can't guarantee
they work, though I was told that they were functional when I got them.

I'll be happy to give them away (but please reimburse me for shipping if
possible) to the first person who sends me a note to ask for them, and who
has an actual use for them (i.e., is actually maintaining a VAX-11/750, a
PDP-11/44, or some other system that uses these drives).

Please respond to me only - no need to clutter up the list (replies sent
to, or cc'ed to, the ClassicCmp mailing list will be *ignored*)

Received on Sun May 21 2000 - 18:24:56 BST

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