Semi-OT: DECstation/TZ30 question

From: Dave McGuire <>
Date: Sun May 21 19:19:55 2000

On May 21, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> Since this is related to getting 2.11BSD up on my PDP-11/73 I figure it's
> Semi-OT.
> OK, I figured since I'd had to pull the TZ30 I might as well just plug it
> into the DECstation 5000/133 I've got. I take it that such a beasty won't
> recognize a TZ30? Doing a "CNFG 3" turned up the two RZ25's in the thing,
> but not the tapedrive, and I couldn't see it from Ultrix 4.3 either.

  Hmm...can't help you with that; never tried it. I do remember,
however, reading something recently (here? or maybe NetBSD's
port-vax list?) about the TZ30 not being a well-behaved SCSI citizen
and needing some tweaks in somebody's (NetBSD's?) SCSI driver somewhere
to work properly.

  Coincidentally though, Zane, I'm doing the same thing tonight...I
just finished putting together an 11/73 and now (in parallel with a
few other things) I'm trying to figure out how to get the
distribution onto a TK50.

  I have a MicroVAX 3100-80 running VMS 7.2 with a TZ30...perhaps I
could write that tape there? Anybody know what VMS incantations I'd
have to do to "get there from here"?

> Once again I'm asking myself *why* am I doing this, I like my UNIX
> lightening fast and flashy.

  Well, I've never run Unix on an '11...but you and I both have run a
lot of 11s in our day, and you know darn well there's nothing
slouchy about a J11. ;)

           -Dave McGuire
Received on Sun May 21 2000 - 19:19:55 BST

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