Identification request - QuadexQ5000/SMS/Compugraphics/DEC ??? should I save it?

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Sun May 21 20:02:02 2000

On May 21, 11:34, Jay West wrote:
> A friend called me about a cpu cabinet sitting next to a dumpster. I
> like some background and identification on this system if anyone knows.

> At first blush I didn't think it would be interesting, but it looks like
> unibus system; it also had some M8043 and M8017 cards in it so it must be
> something DECish?

Well, those are Q-bus... Why do you think it looks like a Unibus? Is it
hex wide?

> Four boards #20033 - each has a tiny 4 pin connector and a tiny coax type
> connector (much smaller than 10b2). Main chip is N8X305N

I've seen N8X305N somewhere recently, but I can't remember what it is :-(
It's a Signetics part, if you want to search for it.

> one #70201 which obviously went to external devices - two 50 pin headers
> which end in same connector 11/23 uses to go to external RD52's

Might be a Pertec-style tape interface?

> Plessey Peripheral Systems board with 50-pin berg connector #703755

That sounds like a Plessey (or General Robotics) RXV21 emulator. If so, it
connects to one or two 8" drives with industry-standard SA800-type
interface, and it will handle double-sided drives (a la 'RX03') too.
 Sorry, I can't check the number as mine's inaccessible right now. Any
other distinguishing marks?

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Sun May 21 2000 - 20:02:02 BST

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