Mac IIcx video connection

From: Charles E. Fox <>
Date: Mon May 22 08:52:34 2000

At 08:05 AM 5/22/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 5/22/00 6:55:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> I have just been given the remains of a Mac IIcx, and would like to
>> determine its condition without spending too much money. Does anyone know
>> the pinouts of the 15 pin video connector?
>> Thanks
>> Charlie Fox
>well, since the IIcx has no builtin video, the pinouts will depend on what
>nubus video card you will use.
>DB Young ICQ: 29427634
>hurry, hurry, step right up! see the computers you used as a kid!
> The video card ic an Apple Computer Inc. 820-0198-A7 Mackintosh II Video
It was packed separately from the computer, and condition is unknown.
        The story here is that a couple of friends closed up their repair
business, and yesterday contributed a van load of computers and other odds
and ends to my collection. I have had no Mac experience, the only other one
in the collection is a Mac +, so don't really know what I am doing. I would
like to make an adapter to go from the Mac 15 pin video,(size of a game
port) to a standard VGA monitor.


                                                        Charlie Fox

                                Charles E. Fox
                       Chas E. Fox Video Productions
                793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
                      Check out "The Old Walkerville Virtual Museum" at
                Camcorder Kindergarten at
Received on Mon May 22 2000 - 08:52:34 BST

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