rescued a beehive!

From: Corda Albert J DLVA <>
Date: Mon May 22 12:36:23 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank McConnell []
> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 4:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: rescued a beehive!
> wrote:
> > I know, I worked for Haziltine and was part of
> manufacturing engineering
> > for terminals then.
> Hmm. This might have been before your time, but I might as well ask:
> got any stories to tell about the Hazeltine 2000?

Back in the 70's when I was in college (WPI), our computer center used
a bunch of HZ2000s at the center itself. (our system at the time was a
KA based PDP-10). An oddity of the TOPS10 monitor (or at least the
version that we were running) was that it let people send messages
between terminals even if no one was logged in. One of my friends
figured out that if you opened an unassigned terminal in the computer
center (usually after hours)from a remote campus site, you could
dump a series of commands (usually including "send" commands :-) to
the HZ2000, terminated with a "send screen" command sequence.
This let you send messages that looked as if they originated from
the center to another remote terminal.(Heck, we were just college
kids, and it was an innocuous bug. Boy, I miss those days :-).

> I ran across a few of them in the early 1980s, being used as 1200 bps
> terminals to a Univac 1108. 74-column green-screens in yellow-painted
> metal boxes. Very funky, even then.
> -Frank McConnell
Received on Mon May 22 2000 - 12:36:23 BST

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