rescued a beehive!

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Mon May 22 14:44:31 2000

>On Mon, 22 May 2000, Vintage Computer GAWD! wrote:
>> I remember way back in 1990 one of my friends found the codes that allowed
>> one to effectively "remotely control" the Wyse 50 terminals in our HP-UX
>> lab. We had a lot of fun creating "terminal chains" where we would have
>> one terminal, controlling another terminal, controlling another terminal,
>> which was logged in to the server.
>Hmm, in our computer lab (1983-1987), we had to be content with e-mailing
>a million control-G's to each other...

File this under simple minded, but "our" little mischief was to send
messages to another terminal, with a series of cursor moves at the end so
that the message sender text was overwritten to make it look like the
message was "official". Unfortunately one professor used a teletype which
ignored the vt100 cursor stuff. Nobody got into any trouble, but we did
learn to watch out for his sessions.
Received on Mon May 22 2000 - 14:44:31 BST

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