Radio Shack Humour

From: James Willing <>
Date: Tue May 23 13:46:19 2000

On Tue, 23 May 2000, Chuck McManis wrote:

> Jeffrey l Kaneko wrote:
> > How many of you are irritated by the personal questions
> > asked by Radio Shack

How many are not? (shorter list)

Altho, in a previous life we had come up with what we considered to be a
reasonable solution for this irritant. Altho since they no longer hand
write the tickets it really won't work these days...

I worked in a service center about a 2 minute (round trip) walk from a
Radio Shack, so we made frequent excursions over there to pick up parts
that we needed in a hurry, but not in a quantity that made it worthwhile
to order from our distributor.

Of course, the five minute interrogation tended to negate the time saving
(note I won't say 'convienence') factor, and the sales droids were
annoyingly determined to extract the information...

So one day, we had an 'X'-stamper (self inking rubber stamp) made with the
companys address (P.O. Box - no phone number) on it, and the next time
that we got the interrogative from the droid, the stamp came out of the
pocket, and WHAM'ed across the top of the ticket pad with a flourish and a
satifying whump.

As the sales droid's eyes glazed over... he hands up the ticket and we
depart a good 4.5 minutes sooner than usual... After about three rounds
like this, they stopped asking and just slid the pad over the desk for the
ceremonial whomping.

See... proper use of technology CAN simplify life! At least for some...

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The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Tue May 23 2000 - 13:46:19 BST

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