Altair parts substitutions

From: Dwight Elvey <>
Date: Thu May 25 11:24:43 2000

"allisonp" <> wrote:
> EBayism struck, later they were nearly out of production and Rare.
> But the products that needed them lived on. hance the high price
> near end of life.
> Allison

If the people buying them only knew that they could plug
a 2716 into the same socket, they could save a bunch
of money. I guess if the part sheet says 2758, that is
what you use.
 While at Intel, I never did see anything other than the
half bad 2716's. For lab use, we often used them just
like the 2616's that I mentioned in an earlier post.
Received on Thu May 25 2000 - 11:24:43 BST

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