Question about PC-MOS

From: George Currie <>
Date: Thu May 25 17:35:22 2000

IIRC it was a multi-user DOS clone. It allowed you to attach
terminals to your pc and have the terminals run certain DOS apps
(obviously nothing with graphics). It actually worked pretty well
when used with special made Kimtron terminals (the terminal had a
"normal" pc keyboard layout). I wrote a video store POS system
that utilized this setup at one of my customers locations, pretty
slick running on a NCR 286 w/ three terminals (four users total,
though the console was primarily used for admin).


> Has anybody heard of an OS called "PC-MOS"?
> I'm supposed to pick up a system on Saturday that runs that OS and was
> wondering what the heck it is.
> Thanks,
> Steve Robertson <>
Received on Thu May 25 2000 - 17:35:22 BST

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