Paper tape format

From: allisonp <>
Date: Thu May 25 18:31:49 2000

>I suppose one could use a hex format, but I've never seen anything under
>CP/M other than binary. Normally it's loaded into memory and then saved to

The common file format for ASM output and LOAD input as well as DDT
was intel HEX format. it would be logical to puch tape in that format
as it had checksum. I'd add that the OS enforced no format for PUNCH
and READER devices other than you could present 8bit and recive 8bit data
if you cared to.


>> What is the punch format used for a paper tape that would be used on an
>> Altair or IMSAI? Is it straight binary or something like the Intel Hex
>> format?
>> The reason why I'm asking is because I'm toying with adding a virtual
>>paper tape punch/reader to Claus Guiloi's IMSAI emulator.
>> Rich
Received on Thu May 25 2000 - 18:31:49 BST

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