Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? [Was: Re: Notes on repairing the Apple Lisa power supply]

From: Vintage Computer GAWD! <>
Date: Thu May 25 22:41:43 2000

On Thu, 25 May 2000, R. D. Davis wrote:

> Hmmm... ok, so you say I've never contributed anything. Hmmmm, let's
> see, I guess that means that my writing the PERQ general FAQ, starting
> the alt.sys.perq newsgroups about 8 years or so ago and archiving it
> until my uucp news-feed went away about 2 years ago, writing the
> CT-Miniframe FAQ, the "DEC PDP and Music/Sound Synthesis Summary,"
> maintaing an archive of PERQ files (which I should hopefully soon make
> available again), offering the list some free CDC removeable-pack disk
> drives a while back, preserving various systems over the past 13 years
> or so (I'm not new to computer preservation), etc. doesn't amount to
> contributing anything. :-)

Blah blah blah. Look, R.D., if you're an asshole you're an asshole. In
that one instant that you decide to be an asshole, all your past
accomplishments, no matter how noble or how lofty, are forgotten. You
just become "an asshole". So next time, be more patient, take a deep
breath, and take a couple more moments than it takes to simply be "an
asshole" and explain your position in a manner that does not offend the
frail sensibilities of fellow list members.

> Granted, the above are no huge contributions, just my attempts at
> helping other hackers and preservationists in return for all the help
> that I've received from others over the years.

Quite the contrary, I think these are excellent contributions and I thank
you for taking the time and effort to make those things available!

Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...

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Received on Thu May 25 2000 - 22:41:43 BST

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