
From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri May 26 13:51:43 2000

> Now, after nine years of FUD, lies, and the ignorance that
> fostered, some client's now have a legitimate reason to run Windows. Yes, I'm
> pissed about it. I may be forced to run something incomplete and messy (Linux) or
> something half-assed (Windows) but I don't have to like it. Every time I show a
> warp system to a customer or friend they allways say something kin to 'how the hell
> did this stay a secret?!' and 'why is anyone running windows'!!.
Why did this happen -- because MS controls the desktop apps in 90% off
the corporations.

I wonder if IBM dropped Lotus Smartsuite internally yet.
My old group in IBM Global Services was on Win95/Office95 because the
client used it.

Bet it's gonna be an MS world until they get forced to change.

Received on Fri May 26 2000 - 13:51:43 BST

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