Bootable Floppy from CD?

From: Mike Newman <>
Date: Sat May 27 05:04:18 2000

On 24 May 2000, at 17:45, Chuck McManis wrote:

> In an effort to preserve all my miscellaneous driver floppies I've been
> copying them to CD-rom. I figured I should also do this for my DOS 6.3
> disks but realized that I don't know how to create a bootable DOS 6.3
> system disk from the disk itself. I've considered using dd(1) on unix to
> create just the disk image that I can later use dd to copy back out but
> was wondering if perhaps there was a better way.
> --Chuck

My favorite program for saving floppy disk images is WinImage
( As the name implies, it's a Windows program and its
purpose is to make (and allow you to modify) images of IBM-compatible
disks. One very handy feature is the ability to convert images to
different disk formats, such as 1.2 MB to 1.44 MB (yes, that includes
bootable disks). You can create a self-extracting image file for
distribution to people who don't have WinImage. You can even create image
files from hard drives, or .ISO image files from CD-ROMs. Files can be
extracted from images without having to re-create the floppy disk. The
program can even save the directory listing as text or html. Some features
are only available in the "Pro" version, but I don't remember the details
because that's the version I have.

If only it could modify .ISO images the way it can modify floppy disk
Mike Newman INTERNET:
Aloha, Oregon USA -or-
Laws of Project Management #4: When things are going well, something
  will go wrong. When things just can't get any worse, they will. When
  things appear to be going better you have overlooked something.
Received on Sat May 27 2000 - 05:04:18 BST

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