Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? [Was: Re: Notes on repa...

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Sat May 27 19:24:12 2000

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Peter Joules wrote:
> In article <>, Marvin <> writes
> >How about dropping this particular thread or taking it to email. Starting
> >this kind of a flame war here doesn't do anyone any good.

Are you sure about that? If a flame war is over the proper way to
repair computers, and people learn from it, is that such a bad thing?
Are people so politically correct and thin-skinned these days that
their fragile psyches can't tolerate a little flame-fest?

> IIRC it's a long time since we had a good flame war on the list.

Glad to have been of help. :-)

> ObCC - I have just changed jobs and have been sold the MicroVAX 3100
> which I had on loan for 10 UKP. All of the other hardware and software


> which I am supposed to return remains in limbo - they don't particularly
> want it back as they would then have to throw it away but they retain
> ownership :(


Of course, for the software, there's such a thing as backups. ;-)

R. D. Davis             
Received on Sat May 27 2000 - 19:24:12 BST

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