When new advertising meets old computers

From: Derek Peschel <dpeschel_at_eskimo.com>
Date: Sun May 28 01:02:49 2000

Following up to myself...

> I haven't yet decoded the tape (if it says anyhthing at all). Luckily I
> just got _Computers and Typesetting_ which covers plenty of obscure
> typesetting codes (which is the only area I know of in which six-hole tape
> ever became popular).

It's called _Computer Peripherals and Typesetting_. Everything else I said
about it is right (copyright 1968, written by HMSO). Incidentally, the
price is given on the copyright page as ?8 0s. 0d. net.

-- Derek
Received on Sun May 28 2000 - 01:02:49 BST

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