
From: allisonp <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Sun May 28 20:21:47 2000

>It's the APPS and the moving Win32s target they tried to support.
>The killer was when MS made Office not run under OS/2.

May have hurt the market but, no great loss. MS Office is another plague
on the world.

>OS/2 was slow -- glacial on the early 386's without a LOT of memory
>16meg was VERY rare then). IBM used it internally (v2.11) on PS/2 25's
>with 12-16mb. It was slow loading and glacial loading apps. Many
>secretaries booted it with all their windows apps loaded so they didn't
>have to wait for programs to load. They often ran Ami Pro v3.1 under
>since the Lotus Smartsuite was BEHIND the windows version for features.

As a Win3.1 user it was no better on 386s and really didn't run usefully
less than 4mb and really wanted 8mb to behave well.

>I'd bet they're switching to WinNT or Win9x (laptops) and going to
>Microsoft Word for customer compatibility in a lot of cases. We were

Win9x is a mess but can be made to work, WinNT4/workstation is better
but you MUST be at SP4 or higher. It's the MS apps that are a pox on the
world. ;-)

Received on Sun May 28 2000 - 20:21:47 BST

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