A moment of silence...

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Mon May 29 14:18:33 2000

> > At the end of last month, Haltek Electronics, Mountain View,
> > CA closed their doors. Not because they wanted to, nor because
> > they didn't have a loyal following, but purely because of greed on
> > the part of their jackass of a landlord.

> > It seems that their lease was up for renewal. Their landlord,
> > decided to get greedy, and wanted to at least double what they'd
> > been paying for rent (maybe even 2.5 or triple... I'm not certain).
> Bruce. You don't live in the area here. You don't understand the reality
> of the situation. In case you hadn't noticed, there is an economic boom
> going on here unparalleled in the history of man (or so the economists
> say, but at any rate, it's huge). The market for real estate in the
> Silicon Valley, for better or worse, is skyrocketing. Property values
> have shot up, along with rents.

I still don't get the idea - Silicon Valey (Contra Coast, Alameda and
Santa Clara), an area 4 times larger than Munich (City of Munich and
Munich county) and just roughly the same population, and you're talking
about skyrocketing prices ? maybe they should start to build something
(preferable something other than highways).

Well, anyway, beside all this there's still a question what impact
this may have for our hobby, and future geek generations. Without
some scrap dealer next door, it's hard to get in touch with usefull

> Now, in a communist state, this landlord would indeed be a greedy jackass,
> or worse! But here in the good old U.S. of A., he's a capitalist. Why
> should he be expected to operate as a charity?

Hmm - I'd rather prefer a constitutional state where everybody
recives some protection by law ....



VCF Europa 2.0 am 28./29. April 2001 in Muenchen
Received on Mon May 29 2000 - 14:18:33 BST

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