Sellam Explodes

From: Bruce Lane <>
Date: Tue May 30 09:25:54 2000

        Criminys... ask a guy to just let the subject drop, and this is
what happens.

        I've blocked any further E-mail from Sellam at this end. It's
obvious that I can't even disagree with him now without ticking him
off. I'm posting his final message as something of a warning to
others who think he can handle things like this in a mature way.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

Date sent: Mon, 29 May 2000 19:48:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Vintage Computer GAWD!"
To: "Bruce Lane" <>
Subject: Re: Please let it DROP!

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Bruce Lane wrote:

> If you value, as I do, the fact that we got along pretty well
> during our few past meetings, please let the subject drop. Here
> now.
> It is obvious that we agree to disagree, and I would prefer to
> leave it at that point than start a flame-war that's going to leave
> both too pissed off to see straight.

Bruce, I value our "friendship" as much as you do, which is to say
enough for you to avoid constantly insulting me like you have the
on valid opinions and to act in a uncivil manner.

Basically, take your apoplectic rantings and stick them up your
ass. I
tried to be patient and not get angry from your last message, but
never been one to accept a continued stream of abuse, especially
from a
dweeb like yourself.

I don't want, nor do I need, a reply from you. Any more messages I
receive from you on this matter I will consider to be SPAM and,
since you
live in a state which has laws against that sort of thing, I will not
hesitate to file a complaint against you.

Best regards,


Bruce Lane, Owner/Head Honcho,
Blue Feather Technologies (
"SCSI Users, Unite! Beware the IDEs of March!"
Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 09:25:54 BST

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