On Mon, 29 May 2000, Wayne M. Smith wrote:
[> Sellem (sp?) wrote:]
> > On Sat, 27 May 2000, Marvin wrote:
> > > What makes you think a flame war is an effective
> way to learn? A game
> > > perhaps, but learning???
Have you never heard of learning from games? :-) I learned a lot about
DCL by writing a game of adventure in it that doubled as a command
line interpreter, and didn't a certain classic book on UNIX mention
the importance of learning by playing? Of course, in today's world
where children are supposed to be overstressed little adults and not
play, which now includes not doing things like climbing trees or
riding in the back of a station wagon with their feet stuck out the
back window because they might get hurt (can't have the kiddies riding
in cars without being tied to the seats with "safety" belts, can we?
May as well get them used to a lack of freedom at a young age so they
hopefully won't resist fascist politicians who want to totally control
their lives when they get older, right?), it's difficult to expect
some to understand this concept.
> > I suppose it's one way of trying to justify a personality flaw? >
> I would have said "manifest" a personality flaw.
Kindly spare us the results of your misfiring neurons, and, have a nice
R. D. Davis
Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 10:01:54 BST