Defining Disk Image Dump Standard

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Tue May 30 19:20:35 2000

See comments embedded below, plz.
----- Original Message -----
From: allisonp <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: Defining Disk Image Dump Standard

> >I always figured the reason for the restriction was dumb boot PROMs,
> >only know how to do programmed I/O to the FDC, and 8" DD comes in too
> >for typical 8-bit CPUs of the time to handle with PIO. If the boot PROM
> >a particular system is smart enough to set up DMA, no need to require SD.
> it's an artifact of how people though the DDmedia was speced by IBM and
> a lack of knowledge of CP/M boot as everyone just followed the book
> Not all required {or even had it!} DMA to do DD, CCS didn't.

That's proof that DMA was unnecessary! A DMAC cost quite a bit back then.

> I'd add that DMA was mostly uncommon save for the more refined or robust
> systems.
> Allison
I don't see how adding an unnecessary part makes a system more robust or
refined. It was quite straightforward to write and run FDC handlers that
used programmed I/O quite adquately and since CP/M and other simple OS'
seldom did anything useful with the small segments of saved time, (12
u-sec's per byte) it didn't help. Some other devices might have justified
DMA, but floppy drives actually didn't unless they were used with an 8080 or
other slow processor.
Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 19:20:35 BST

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