A moment of silence...

From: John Allain <allain_at_panix.com>
Date: Tue May 30 19:32:42 2000

> At the end of last month, Haltek Electronics, Mountain View,
> CA closed their doors...

Just read this.

> Whatever else happens, I pray that other surplus stores, such
> as Weird Stuff and Sharon Industries, aren't next on the chopping
> block. -- Bruce Lane

Please don't hesitate to post
If you hear rumors about any of these threatning to close:
   Computer Literacy
   Wierd Stuff
   (other like Surplus)
   Fry's (Yes, even Fry's)

News of such a thing could trigger a long put-off return visit.

John A.
SValley res. 1987-1990.
Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 19:32:42 BST

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