VMS media availability for VAX 8530

From: Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com>
Date: Wed May 31 12:04:39 2000

At 10:11 AM 5/31/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I've got VMS 2.something on 8" floppies, and VMS 5.something on TK-50 tapes,
>but that's it. There might be a way to finagle VMS onto the 9 track or 5.25"
>media from the current OpenVMS distro on CD.

An interesting question. I've VMS 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x distributions on
various media but none on 9-trk. I tried to get one recently but it had
already been thrown away (youch!). So is it possible for VMS to _create_
distribution media? Can you clone from one type to another? I could,
presumably create a 9 track tape with the save sets on them and then create
one with standalone backup so that you could boot standalone backup, and
then copy the save sets. Would that be sufficient? (Unfortunately my TU81+
is out for the count, no doubt another one will tumble this way.)

Received on Wed May 31 2000 - 12:04:39 BST

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