OT: Archiving data (LONG)

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Wed May 31 14:04:20 2000

> >Mylar punched paper tape has a VERY long lifetime and is even human
> >readable (well sorta ;)).
> What ever happened to the really high density laser punched
> mylar/paper
> tape that was being talked about so much a few years ago? Much higher
> density than magnetic tape, and very very long archival life.

What about that optical tape they used in the movie "Brainstorm"???
Somehow, I always thought they'd bought a failed technology rather
than just mock something up.

If it wasn't real, it was still as cool as Hell!

*fantasy mode off*
-doug q
Received on Wed May 31 2000 - 14:04:20 BST

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