
From: <(>
Date: Wed May 31 15:20:38 2000

> >I sure wish I could find a Sparc 10 for $25! My Sparc 2 cost me over $200
> >(although it has the 32MB S-Bus card in it for a total of 96MB :^).
> I really feel sorry for you poor souls lost out in the boonies. Couple
> weeks ago I was at a scrap place with TWO pallets of Tatung UltraSparcs
> (not $25, but not too bad either. Didn't last long too.). I wish I had
> known it was OK to bring a few home.

Well, I didn't just buy it for that, I got it when that's about what they
were worth. The only reason I payed as much as I did was because of the
SCSI S-Bus card in it.

I *really* want a SS20 w/dual SM71's or SM81's, and something like 192MB
RAM, but then I look at what I can get in an x86 box for that price and just
shake my head. I might like Sparcs, but x86 is the only platform Solaris
makes sense on!

Of course my dream Sparc would be a Dual Ultra 2 :^)

Received on Wed May 31 2000 - 15:20:38 BST

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