CP/M 1.3 memory requirement

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Thu Nov 2 22:21:24 2000

At 07:04 PM 11/2/00 -0500, Allison wrote:
>From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
>>>The DOS analog of that would be Windows3.1 is not DOS.
>>>See the point!
>> ????? I don't understand this comment. Or at least I hope I don't.
>>ZCPR isn't a GUI. It's nothing like Windozes, it's a MUCH better command
>Well CCP is a user interface as is command.com, changing out command.com
>for Win3.1 still doesnt change the fact that it's a DOS OS with a GUI
>of Command line.

     First of all, Win 3.1 runs on top of DOS. It's not a replacement
command processor. Second, ZCPR is mot a GUI and Windows is. BIG difference.

>So goes it for CP/M, CCP or ZCPR are only a 2k loadable module that can
>be replaced with anything. For example CONIX is one that can be run over
>CCP for a unix like command line.


Received on Thu Nov 02 2000 - 22:21:24 GMT

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