On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 02:30:17PM -0500, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> I'm still waiting to get my hands on one of these mythical PDP-10
> emulators... I want my own DECSYSTEM-10, even if it's really
> running on an old Mac.
Supposedly, KLH's emulator will be released in binary form "in the
near future", i.e. when he gets time. This information is third-hand,
so don't hold your breath.
I don't know anything about the status of Stu Grossman's emulator.
Daniel Seagraves is actively working on his KL-10 emulator called "e10",
Megan Gentry's early emulator work seems to have disappeared, maybe
it's just no longer accessable online.
Finally, our last best hope comes from Timothy Stark, who's been
working like a ferret on meth to get his KS10 emulator out the door.
He's been teasing us with the screendumps of his emulator in progress,
and it boots and runs TOPS-10 promisingly well. The first source
release should be within the very, very near future, within a few
weeks or so. I'm sure someone will let the group know when it hits
the streets, so we can all be beta testers!
> -dq
Received on Fri Nov 03 2000 - 10:47:22 GMT