RS6000 memory boards

From: Mark Tapley <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 11:44:39 2000

Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 13:32:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Subject: Re: RS6000 memory boards

Enrico Badella <> wrote:

>> Yesterday I saved two IBM RS6000 server; one 7013/59H and one 7013/530H.
>> should I just junk the whole things and just save the four SCSI disks?
Then Cameron Kaiser <> said:
>That's what I would do. The old RS6K servers are quite tough to find support
>for ... Keep the disks for something that can really use 'em.
>However, if you still want to take a whack at it, sometimes people are
>selling equipment on comp.unix.aix. The prices can be quite confiscatory,

        Whoa, there. Sitting in my office, still looking dark and forlorn,
is a PowerStation 320 (Type 7012). A large part of its forlornness is due
to its having had its mouse and keyboard "liberated" at some point in its
life. The ugly part is it doesn't need just any PS/2 KB and 3-button mouse,
but a special IBM one. (Thanks to Philip Belben
<> for this clue. Philip, I still have not had
time to seriously attack this machine.) Enrico, I don't know that I can pay
to ship them from Italy to San Antonio, Texas but if your machines include
those and you can't find a European stockpile to add those to, please
contact me. Please *don't* junk those parts!
        If the machines you are talking about contain MCA Ethernet cards,
the same applies to them, and again I might be interested in trying to get
them shipped to Texas.
        Cameron, thanks for the newsgroup pointer, it's in my read list now.
        Anyone else with spare RS6K keyboards and mice taking up some of
their valuable storage space, I think I can help you. :-)

                                                        - Mark

PS my last messagee appeared twice. My apologies; I can't figure out how I
did that. If it happens again, somebody please send a clue?
Received on Mon Nov 06 2000 - 11:44:39 GMT

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